Believe in Change

As we continue in the new year we often consider what needs to be left behind and what we need to bring forward. What our values are and how we’ve grown in them.

Here at Revolution, our core values are to:  love well, connect deeply, quality craftsmanship, show up, patient endurance, and stronger together.

In these, we believe our mission to empower women is expressed fully. 

How can we take our values, intertwine them with our beliefs and apply them in our lives? 

We're starting with a focus on change. We believe that change is possible and essential. In fact, it's inevitable. While it can be uncomfortable at times, it is ultimately beneficial. Change can bring new opportunities and experiences, help us to grow and learn, and make us re-examine our values. Change can also be a chance to try something new, challenge ourselves, and build resilience. 

We can't control that change is going to happen, but we can be intentional about creating the kind of change that makes a positive impact to ourselves and others. We can choose to change at any time. Transformation is a choice. It requires effort and action towards a desired outcome. In this, we need to apply one of our values: patient endurance.

Be gentle with yourself as it likely won’t happen overnight. Modification that endures is acquired through small consistent shifts over time. It is a process. Celebrate the little moments in between to encourage yourself to keep going.

It can be difficult to embrace, especially if we fear the unknown, but it's important to keep in mind that even if it doesn't turn out the way we had hoped, change is a formative experience. So, don't be afraid to take a chance–you never know what amazing things could be waiting for you around the corner.

Here’s to seeing how far we’ve come and where we’ve yet to go within. Here’s to choosing to evolve, mature, and blossom daily. We believe in you.

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